Customs Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements: An Overview

In international trade, rules of origin (ROO) are vital in determining the country of origin of a product or goods. The origin of a product is significant in trade agreements since it determines the eligibility of a product for tariff relief or preferential treatment. In order to ensure compliance with the ROO, customs administrations play a critical role in verifying and administering the rules. This article will give an overview of customs administration of rules of origin under trade agreements.

What are Rules of Origin (ROO)?

The rules of origin define the criteria that need to be met for a product to be considered as originating from a particular country. These criteria may include the percentage of local content, the manufacturing process, the value-added, and other factors. In trade agreements, the rules of origin play a crucial role in determining the eligibility of a product for tariff preferences or preferential treatment.

Customs Administration of Rules of Origin (ROO)

Customs administrations play a significant role in the administration and enforcement of the rules of origin under trade agreements. This includes verifying the origin of the products, administering the preferential treatment, and ensuring compliance with the rules.

Verification of Origin

Customs administrations verify the origin of the products by checking the documentation and conducting physical or lab tests if necessary. They may check the bill of lading, the commercial invoice, and other supporting documents to determine the origin of the goods. If there are any doubts or discrepancies, customs administrations may request additional information or conduct an audit of the manufacturer.

Administration of Preferential Treatment

Customs administrations are responsible for administering the preferential treatment for products that meet the rules of origin. This may include granting reduced tariffs or exemptions from tariffs. Customs may also require the importer to provide a certificate of origin or other supporting documents to claim the preferential treatment.

Compliance with the Rules

Customs administrations ensure compliance with the rules of origin by conducting random checks and audits of the manufacturer and the importer. They may also investigate any suspected breaches of the rules and impose penalties or sanctions if necessary.


Customs administration of rules of origin under trade agreements is vital in ensuring the integrity of the preferential treatment system. Customs play a critical role in verifying the origin of products, administering the preferential treatment, and ensuring compliance with the rules. It is crucial for businesses engaged in international trade to understand the rules of origin and work closely with customs administrations to ensure compliance.